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Saturday, August 9, 2014

Inspiring Women to Lead and Men to submit

My goal with this blog is to share experiences and ideas that will inspire women to take the lead role in their relationship and to encourage men to take a submissive role towards their wife or significant other.  I am a firm believer that a Female Led Relationship (FLR) results in a strong bond between the female and male and creates a healthy loving and blissful relationship.

There are many websites with information about FLR's and information on how to get started but few websites get past the basics.  I hope to provide a deeper view into femdom and the FLR with specific examples and ideas to help build a sustainable FLR.  This view will be based on my many years of experience in such a relationship as well as knowledge and view points that I have learned through others. 

I have titled my blog the Femdom Think Tank because I would like to encourage others to share experiences and ideas.   There is no one right way to run a FLR.  Each person and each relationship is unique.  What works for one person or couple may not work for another.  The best thing one can do is read as much as possible about the lifestyle and then decide what things would work for them.  If something resonates with you then try it.  If something turns your stomach sour then forget about it and move on. 

To the lovey and beautiful women out there, you are all Goddesses.  If you are new to the lifestyle or just trying to learn it then you have come to the right place.  This blog will provide practical advice and examples of FLR. Feel free to send me a note if there are certain topics you would like covered.  If you are a women who is experienced in femdom/FLR, please share your opinions and thoughts by commenting. You are also welcome to post a blog on my site.  My hope is to have different view points and ideas for readers to read.  If you feel inspired to add a blog, you may e-mail it to me and I will post.

To all the wonderful submissive men, feel free to read and comment on the blogs.  Be respectful of myself, other women, and other men that contribute to the comments and blogs.  My hope is that through this blog you will learn things to help you be a better husband to your wife or a better partner to your significant other.  Being submissive does not make you weak.  I do not subscribe to the idea that submission is mindless obedience. My submissive husband is a smart and intelligent man who thinks on his own.  He just knows his place in our marriage is at my feet and he knows that I have the final say on all matters. A man who embraces submission and obedience towards women is a happy man.  Embrace your submission and discover the joy!


  1. Dear Mz Kaylee

    I have just discovered your blog and find it wonderfully inspiring, your grasp of the submissive male psyche is extraordinary.
    Your husband is a very fortunate man.

    I look forward to reading my way to the present day.

    Thank you.
    Kind regards

    M. Toads (Totally Obedient And Devoted Servant.)

  2. My wife does not read blogs, unless I print a post for her to read. I would love for her to read your blog.

  3. Dear Mz Kaylee. I showed your blog entry "Try Something New", and Frank's guest post "Karen" to my wife, as I thought she would find them interesting. She did. Entire bathroom cleaning just went up to twice daily from three times weekly, and the 'entire' house is now to be vacuumed daily on top of all my regular housekeeping. I've been ordered to read your entire blog starting here on day 1, with comments, and making handwritten notes to submit to her. She also wants to see more comments left by me, so she can see I have been reading, and learning. My wife says the label 'Karen' is incredibly degrading to women who stand up for what they want. After reading my comment on Frank's guest post she said "So you want a Karen? "Fine dear, you have just earned yourself more 'KAREN' than you could have ever imagined".

    This will be tough, but the house, and I will improve, it will further reinforce that I am not in charge here, while deepening my devotion for my wonderful wife. Not only is she teaching me a lesson, she is demonstrating her love, by giving me the stern, iron fisted authority over me that I want from her. I'm glad I gave her those articles, so she could impose these changes.

    I want to thank you for all the work you put into this blog Mz Kaylee. I know it is very time consuming for you, but please know you are helping many people. If not for your post about Trying Something New, these wonderful changes probably would never have come about in our marriage. (Edward)


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