Monday, April 27, 2020

Profiles, Comments, and emails -Please Read

It's been wonderful to see so many comments being posted. I appreciate all the information everyone is sharing in the comments.  Keep it up!  A few "housekeeping" items and reminders for everyone:

First, it was brought to my attention that my email address was incorrect on the profile template. I have corrected it. The correct email is Thank you Mike for bringing that to my attention. I have published all profiles that I received. If you sent me a profile and do not see it on the blog, please resend it. I apologize for the mistake. If you have not sent me a profile, what are you waiting for - get it done :)  The template with instructions is location on the right side of the blog.

Second, I want to set the expectation to guys that me sharing my e-mail is not an invitation to you for one-on-one discussions with me. If you have questions, want advice, or have suggestions for a post, use the comments not my e-mail.There are two reasons for this: 1) I want all the readers of the blog to hear the question and my response so that they can all learn and benefit from it. It is likely that others have similar questions; and 2) I have zero interest in forming a one-on-one relationship with you. That is what you should be doing with your wife. Also, do not tell me that your are e-mailing me because you don't want to ask your question publicly. You can post anonymously so that is not an excuse. I welcome your questions and comments; please just use the public comments and not my e-mail.

Lastly, when commenting, if you are posting anonymously, I prefer that you still sign your comment with a fake name. This way if you comment multiple times we can follow your thoughts and understand that the comments are coming from. Most everyone is doing this now, so thank you!

Thanks for your understanding!

-Mz Kaylee

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