
1. Who am I (name, sex, approx. age, where you live)

2. My position in the relationship (submissive, dominant, or switch? If switch, do you favor one over the other?

3. What is your current marriage status and WLM/FLR situation (Married and in a WLM, not married and in a FLR, not married but seeking a FLR, etc.)? What is status of your WLM (Beginners, Mature, Somewhere in the middle)

Married in a WLM

4.  When did you first discover your submissive/dominant desires?

I'd say it's mostly because my wife is naturally dominant and likes to be in control. I jokingly asked/talked to her about being so and she agreed. She didn't deny at all. It's naturally her personality and I'm naturally submissive and introvert.

5.  Describe how WLM/FLR was introduced into your relationship? Explain your experiences of how you went from discovering submission/domination up to the point of being in a WLM/FLR?

Different aspects of a WLM were discovered by me gradually in pieces.
Regarding sex, she wanted a hard cock at any given time and didn't like being turned down for any reason. I actually wasn't familiar whata sub drop after orgasm was but experienced it. She didn't like it.
I also read about the benefits of semen retention. Also when I wanted sex, she may not want to, so we were on different pages.
In a nutshell with these issues, WLM came about and I offered her control and to try something new.

6.  Describe your current WLM/FLR situation

    a.       Chores  Cleaning, dishes, yard work, her laundry, groceries

    b.       Finances/Money  She essentially oversees all purchases. She definitely won't allow any major purchases without her consent, such as electronics, things for the house. I'd get questioned if a charge shows up more than 50$ that's not groceries. She gets an alert to her phone.

    c.       Rules/Protocols On day to day, chores are to be completed without being directed. I check if there is anything else I can do.

    d.       Punishment and Discipline Surprisingly, she's not big on this aspect, just yet

    e.       Chastity/Orgasm Control No cage, no orgasm allowed unless given permission. During sex, I used to ask if I'm getting to cum today. No longer asking.
Plan is to get 1 ruined orgasm on the first of each month to help with sensitivity and get a type of release.. She doesn't like the sub drop or cum and likes me aroused for her at all times.

    f.        Rituals, Protocols, routines She controls when sex occurs. I'm not allowed to ask for it. I used to, we argued.
It's a privelage when occurs.

    g.       Fetishes or kinks Nothing crazy besides a few dildos. She can take a 12in!

7.       How public is your WLM/FLR – do others know about it? How do you act in public?

I don't think anyone would say we're in a WLM exactly. Many would definitely say she makes the decisions around the house. But they wouldn't understand to this extent listed.

8.       Do you have kids in the house? If yes, what age group (infant, toddler, teenager, adult)

13 month, 6 yr, 13 yr

9.       Describe how the WLM/FLR works with kids in the house.

Looks pretty normal as in not much sticks out in front of the kids. I usually check with the wife if there is anything I could do for her. I think the kids know she's in charge. The sexually driven activities are at night or when kids are not home.

10.   What are some of challenges you face in your WLM/FLR?

Actually finding more ways to serve my queen or be more submissive. I asked her but she sees the balance good as is for now

11.   What things do you like the most about your WLM/FLR?

Simply surrender and her being in control. The simplicity in some regards.

12.   How have things evolved or changed with you and as a couple in your WLM/FLR over time since starting the WLM/FLR? How does this compare to how you were prior to the WLM/FLR?

Less arguing about sex and finances. We seem to want different things at the time and both expected the other to follow. We were on separate pages on roles in the household.  I decided why should we keep arguing. I wanted to serve her.
She now loves being in control. I've asked how she likes the change. She said it's made the marriage much better

13.   If there were one or two things you could change about your WLM/FLR would they be?

More sex lol
But I’m happy knowing my wife is satisfied and pleasured as she wishes. And knows I’m here to serve her.

14.   Do you have any advice for others who are starting out in a WLM/FLR?

Make it your own. No right or wrong answers. Try something new and let her be in control. I think she would like that aspect. I think people do this when something currently is not working well for them. So I doubt letting her get her way could make it worse.
Communicate everything! Even if the idea or question seems silly, crazy, or logical.

15.   Is there anything else you what like to share?

I mentioned commination. In an extreme, I even asked my wife about feeling fine if I only gave her orgasm orally and no penetration. It seemed like many women do/like that. I thought she would too.
I even asked her about cuckolding as I've grown in being submissive.
Surprisingly, my mind was blown with her response. To the first, it seemed like she thought about. Looks like she'll get back to me. No definite answer.
To the second- I thought she would yell at me for even bringing up that topic and think I'm crazy lol. She thought about it. She just smiled and said she didn't think she could go through with it (in a casual way).y


  1. I noticed you have 2 emails.
    mzkaylee@gmail.com and mzkaylee101@gmail.com

    Are those both correct?
    - Mike

    1. mzkaylee101 is the correct. I have updated the template with the correct e-mail. Thank you for bringing the discrepancy to my attention.

  2. Thank you Mike for your profile. I appreciate your life as a subhub! Enjoy your Journey! Bob

  3. Hi mzkaylee
    I sent an email that connected with your most recent post. I figured I could get your thoughts.


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