Femdom Think Tank Profile
Directions: Copy and paste questions into a Word document. Respond to each question with as much or as little information as you prefer.
Please refrain from including graphic detail (that is not the purpose of the
profile). Questions 1 – 3 are required if you want me to publish your profile
on the blog. The remaining questions are optional. If a question is not
relevant to you or you choose not to answer, you can either delete the
questions from the template or write “N/A” as the response. Send completed
profiles to mzkaylee101@gmail.com. I will publish profiles “as is” so please run
spell check and make sure formatting is consistent throughout. Thanks!
1. Who am I (name, sex, approx. age, where you live)
<Enter Name Here>
<Enter other details here>
<Enter Name Here>
<Enter other details here>
2. My position in the relationship (submissive, dominant, or switch? If switch, do you favor one over the other?
3. What is your current marriage status and WLM/FLR situation (Married and in a WLM, not married and in a FLR, not married but seeking a FLR, etc.)? What is status of your WLM (Beginners, Mature, Somewhere in the middle)
4. When did you first discover your submissive/dominant desires?
5. Describe how WLM/FLR was introduced into your relationship? Explain your experiences of how you went from discovering submission/domination up to the point of being in a WLM/FLR?
6. Describe your current WLM/FLR situation
a. Chores
b. Finances/Money
c. Rules/Protocols
d. Punishment and Discipline
e. Chastity/Orgasm Control
f. Rituals, Protocols, routines
g. Fetishes or kinks
7. How public is your WLM/FLR – do others know about it? How do you act in public?
8. Do you have kids in the house? If yes, what age group (infant, toddler, teenager, adult)
9. Describe how the WLM/FLR works with kids in the house
10. What are some of challenges you face in your WLM/FLR?
11. What things do you like the most about your WLM/FLR?
12. How have things evolved or changed with you and as a couple in your WLM/FLR over time since starting the WLM/FLR? How does this compare to how you were prior to the WLM/FLR?
13. If there were one or two things you could change about your WLM/FLR or one or two things new you would like to try, what would they be?
14. Do you have any advice for others who are starting out in a WLM/FLR?
15. Is there anything else you what like to share?