Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Creating a Productive Structure For Your Submissive

Submissive men tend to be more productive and happier when they are in a structured environment. Structure sets expectations, removes, uncertainty, and removes stress. Generally, I think most people prefer structure as it helps them maintain control in their life. Even those who are spontaneous and more creative have some structure in their life. However, the submissive tends to thrive in a highly structured environment that brings out their submission, subjects them to female control and authority, and holds them accountable. In the Wife Led Marriage (WLM), structure also helps the wife maintain control and order in the household.

For the new dominant, it can seem like a daunting task to create this structure and for those of us who are experienced, maintaining that structure can be challenging at times. Over the years my WLM has progressed into a very structured environment for my husband and I have noticed that the structure has indeed made him more productive and happier. It has also alleviated stress for me and improved my standard of living. We have less arguments, there is less need for me to give him orders or explain expectations, and he is kept busy operating within the structure, which keeps him out of trouble. It takes work and time to create structure but once in place, it makes things flow much easier in your WLM.  I’d like to share some strategies and techniques for creating that structure.

Rules and Expectations

A foundational part of the structure is creating rules and expectations for your husband to follow. This includes things such as assigning him chores to do on a daily or weekly basis, his attitude when speaking to you, what decisions require your approval, and whether he requires approval for going out with friends or to social events without you. It is important that these rules and expectations are clearly understood, specific, and timebound. For example, telling him he must clean the kitchen each day is too general. The better rule is that he must clean the kitchen every night immediately after dinner, which includes dishes washed, table wiped down, and floor swept. Defining these specifics avoids any confusion on expectations but also creates the highly structured environment that appeals to the submissive.

If you are newer to WLM, I recommend you (the wife) start out by defining the rules and expectations that are most important to you and will benefit you the most versus trying to create a comprehensive list of rules. The submissive guy would absolutely love a huge list of rules as that creates a deep sense of being controlled. However, you will most likely struggle to enforce the rules, which will result in frustration and disappointment from the submissive and may discourage you from engaging further in the WLM dynamic. Additionally, as eager as submissives are to obey and please their Female Leader, they are not always ready to take on new rules and expectations. Assigning him all chores on day one will overwhelm him and he will fail in his obedience. My WLM is highly structured right now. Most of his day, every day, is comprised of doing things for me, or following rules that I have established for him. However, it was not always that way. It took me many years to get to this point.

Once you establish the base rules and expectations, it is important to pay attention to his performance and give immediate feedback for improvement if needed. In the beginning you will need to invest time into training him how to do things to your expectations. Inspect his work and make sure it is done 100% to your satisfaction and give specific feedback about where he fell short. Do not be afraid to be too demanding. A strict, demanding wife is what the submissive husband desires. Discipline and punishment should be incorporated if he does not improve. Set high expectations and hold him to them.  If he is doing a good job, let him know and reward him. Feedback, discipline, punishment, and rewards are all important parts of the structured environment.

After he gets into a good routine with your base rules and expectations, you can start to layer on more rules and transition more chores and tasks to him. You can begin to add rules that are aimed at reinforcing your control over him. For example, you can define how he should dress during the day and in bed at night (Thomas must wear panties during the day and sleep naked at night), how he is to address you, or where he is allowed to sit in the house. You may also decide to take control of the finances and put him on an allowance. Ideally, you want to work up to a point where you have enough rules that every day his behavior and decisions are being directly shaped by you and the rules. This creates that continuous controlling/submissive environment that submissive men thrive in.

Adding Routines

Establishing regular routines is another way to add structure to your WLM. Many WLMs fail or never get going because the wife struggles to stay engaged in the dynamic. This can be because she is not as interested in it as the husband, or she does not know what to do, or she just gets busy with other things and forgets about it. Incorporating routines into the WLM is a great way to overcome these barriers and help the wife stay engaged. Some routines that have worked well for me are: having a weekly review and discipline session, a food shopping routine, weekly massages from him, “Silent Sundays” - no talking for him, and “chore days” in which certain days of the week he has specific chores that he must complete. Each routine, in most cases, has a specific day and time of the week that it must be done and has a defined way in which it must be done. I even have special outfits that he must wear for many of his routines. These routines keep him productive and working for me, without me having to do a lot of explaining and commanding. Many routines involve me but the great thing is that routines like chore days do not require my immediate direct attention and so I can go off and have my own fun while my husband works and still feels the impact of my control over him.

Ladies, if you are not fully engaged in your WLM, then you should spend time understanding that last concept. Let me put it in other words – submissive guys crave to be controlled and dominated, and if done right, they will work hard for you! This means you can offload you mundane boring work to him and spend your time focused on things you enjoy. You just need to invest some of that extra time you get into monitoring, discipline, and exerting your control, and you will end up with a happy, productive husband and a better standard of living for you.

Incorporating Rituals

Finally, rituals are a good part of the WLM structure.  Regularly planned rituals, create positive habits and reinforce your dominance and his submission. Rituals can be designed for just the submissive to do or they can involve the wife too. For many months, I required my husband to do a transition ritual after work to help him transition from work mindset to home/submissive mindset. It was a simple ritual where he had to change from regular underwear to panties and then spend a few minutes refocusing his mind. It was very effective in improving his attitude. Because it was required by me, each time he did it, he felt controlled by me, even though I was not with him. I also incorporate rituals into some of our routines. For example, during his weekly review, he strips naked and kneels and kisses my feet before we begin and after the review he kneels in the corner and focuses on how he can be a better slave.

Building the Structure With Flexibility

Once again, I want to reiterate that you do not need to everything all at once. If you try to do too much it becomes a burden and leads to frustration or disappointment. You also need to work within your lifestyle. If you both have jobs and young kids, then monthly routines might work better than weekly. I started doing monthly review session, then went to biweekly, and eventually went to weekly review sessions. It took time and experience for me to be disciplined enough to stick with a weekly routine. I also learned that committing to it weekly was a benefit to me, because it made a big difference in Thomas’ performance. Finally, as my kids got older and more self-sufficient, it became easier to dedicate more time to rituals and routines.

It is also important to allow flexibility in your structure. If you get busy it’s ok to skip a routine or push it back a day. Tasks, chores, and expectations can be adjusted by the wife as needed if there is a change in lifestyle or things get busy. While I do advocate for increasing his responsibilities and expectations over time, responsibilities and expectations can be temporarily reduced to accommodate changing circumstances. Just be careful not to lose your structure all together. If you are starting to skip things frequently, then your structure is at risk. You need to work hard to get back to the routine. This is even more critical during busy or stressful times. Easier said than done – I know. In my earlier WLM years, our routines and rituals went off track a few times and the results were never good. Communication broke down, he started slacking off on chores, his attitude became negative, and I would get frustrated or angry with him. The good news is that we were always able to reset and get back on track so do not get discouraged if this happens to you. If you notice the structure of your WLM deteriorating and your husband’s behavior becoming less supportive or attentive to you, then it is your responsibility as the leader to reset and get things on track.  For me, scheduling a discipline session followed by a punishment always provided a good reset. It’s like ripping off a band-aid – you just must acknowledge things are going south, give a little pain (the punishment), and then all is healed and you are back on track.

 Hopefully you picked up a few good tips and ideas from the post. I encourage you all to put structure into your WLM and never stop building and adjusting it. It will make life so much better for the both of you. Please share your thoughts and experiences.

-Mz Kaylee



  1. Really good post Mz Kaylee which reflects exactly how my Owner has developed me as Her subwife over the years we have been together.

    The only thing i would add is also learning/acquiring new skills that are useful for your Domme i.e. massage, cooking, sewing etc


  2. Excellent and dead on post. I have applied the same principles you have just described in my own marriage. As you mentioned, its important to layer in the structure over time which his psychy craves as he developes as a submissive. Just like long term chastity, it does not happen over night. You also need to be consistent with your standards and to always find the time to make any needed corrections to his performance and behavior as defined by these tasks you have put in from of him. It becomes a closed loop system of service and submission by him with the system of controls in place to give him that continuous corrective feedback. Submissive men crave this type of dynamic and thrive upon it. As you develope over time in both of your roles, applying these principles yields long term and the highest possible positive results for both partners. As the leader in the relationship you absolutely must invest the time in monitoring and correcting his behavior as needed for this type of relationship to be successful. You will find that over time you will need to spend less and less time appling feedback as life falls into established patterns and rituals. Again you need to always remember that he excels with control in place. Men are goal driven and when you provide him with a framework of achievable activites that he can be successful in while satisfying his need for control, you will experience very good results. Spare the rod and you will spoil the child.

    1. Spare the rod and spoil the child, my wife believes in that statement. It is not the rod, but the bath brush that she uses, and over her lap my bare bottom feels it very well and soon just like a little child, kicking, squirming, promising to be good. In this house, when needing a spankiing, I call my wife 'Mommy', I face the corner afterwards, no matter who might drop in, if asked I must say I've been a naughty little boy and Mommy spank me. This works for me, I needed a Mommy and a Wife who understood and so when I'm told I'm getting a spanking I do as told, for Mommy will take no back talk. Jack

  3. AJ - we need more women to understand this concept of investing time to get long-term positive results. Instead of doing the work, the wife needs to shift her focus to delegating the work and training him to do it right. Fantastic insights. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Thank you Mz Kaylee for another excellent post.

    As I have told my wife, I love her dearly for staying engaged in our WLM. She is one who is quite disciplined in her life. From a great work ethic, to tending to the needs of our kids and grandkids, to her physical fitness, and her attention to me and to our relationship, she is one focused individual.

    There has become a new normal in our home. She continues to go to work every day, and I have retired. I have assumed pretty much 100% of the household chores, including 90% of the meal planning and prep. All you ladies know what that is like, most men don't have a clue, with the exception of the ones reading this blog of course. She was a "Super Mom" for so many years I feel it my obligation to give her this respite from all the "house work" that needs completed. Doing so gives us, and her, more free time to do whatever we want to do together or for her to do on her own. And I love that. I like this "giving back" to her.

    These latest posts about women staying involved and investing in their control is very spot on. As AJ pointed out in her guest post, men are strange creatures. I have to agree, we are strange, (at least way different than women) and I believe submissive men have an even different strangeness. I am a pleaser, I always have been and always will be. I am a doer and a self starter, always have been always will be. I like guidelines and rules. If I know the rules of the game I can usually win. I do not like to lose. Being challenges stimulates my mind and body. I think about sex a lot. I like it, and I definitely love sexually dominant women. I am pretty smart, or used to be in my earlier years. I read people well, and I have many friends. I also know I have a large ego, and I know it can be a problem. I have surrendered and professed my submissiveness to my wife. She has accepted me, and wants to lead our marriage.

    For me, I would love if my wife would tell me, "I'm going to yoga class, please have the house vacuumed when I get back", or, "I'm going to watch a Hallmark movie, and I want you to watch it with me" (OH GOD, what did I do wrong to deserve that one?). My point is, that to me, it seems so effortless and so productive to engage your husband in these ways. We, submissive men, are bent to make you happy. We like clear cut goals, and they don't need to be monumental undertakings to heighten our submissive day. "Since you are just sitting there, please get the foot rub and massage my feet, they are killing me" is a win/win request/order. We love that kind of thing. If you are feeling very kind hearted, we would swoon if you told us to kiss your toes while massaging your feet, or if you rubbed our crotch when you thanked us afterwards.

    I am not looking for my wife to be fearfully dominant, that isn't my need. I like her to say please and thank you, but I want her also to not put up with less than my best efforts to please her. Her setting her expectations high for me, and holding me accountable to achieve her goals, drives my submission. Driving myself to meet my own goals and expectations of myself is something I do everyday, always have and always will. But driving myself to exceed her goals is so much more rewarding to submissive me. And I cannot do that without her input and her being invested in our WLM. Thank God, she is willing.

    Again, thanks for your insight. Great talking points for our review session next week. It is much appreciated. Bob

    1. It is a dream come true for you to be retired and fully dedicated to serving your wife, isn’t it? So many submissive would trade places with you in a heartbeat. I like that you mentioned how the small acts of control are desirable to you. This is a great tidbit of information for the Women readers. Simple orders and commands go a long way with submissive men. I have learned to not lift a finger to do things when slave hubby is around. I order him to fill my glass with water, put things away that I am done with, and fetch things for me. He jumps at my command no matter what he is doing.

  5. Thanks a lot Mz Kaylee for your blog and the wonderful info that you share with us, please consider writing a book it will help thousands live a much happier life.

    I have a question, does your husband ever get tired from doing most of the chores at home, does he ever wish he had more free time to do other things, learn something he wants to learn, do a hobby, socialize more with his friends ?, what does he feel now that most of his time is spent on serving you, does he miss growing and learning in other areas of life ?

    1. I am sure there are days where he wish he didn't have chores. As crazy as it sounds, he enjoys doing chores for me because he views it as part of his submission to me and he enjoys making my life better. I also make it fun for him by requiring him to wear his chore outfit, reviewing his performance, and teasing his cock every now and then when he is doing chores. It is all part of the submissive dynamic that he craves.

      As far as his life goes, as my husband, most of his time should be focused on me. Frankly, I think that marriages that are in disarray often reach that point because one or both spouses put their friends ahead of each other. Most of the time we socialize together with the same friends because we like doing things with each other. Isn't that how a marriage is supposed to be? Having said that, he still has time with his own friends, and has his own hobbies. I even allow him to do weekends away with the guys. He actually has quite the social life. He just knows he needs to get his chores done before doing anything. He has become very efficient with doing chores and so he handles it well.

      On Sundays he has a whole list of chores to do so he knows not to plan things on those days. He may ask for special permission from me to do things without me on Sundays. Note that "special permission" implies that he better have a good reason to ask for it and that it should not be requested often. Does he miss out on things because of this? Absolutely yes, and that is part of his commitment to serve and obey me.

  6. I also have a question if I may, Mz Kaylee? I've mentioned getting grounded by my wife. Do you ever ground your husband in place of spanking or in addition to it? You wouldn't have to take it as far as my wife (the whole making him tell his friends think when he has to cancel plans because of it), but being a grown man and having your wife look you in the eye saying something as adolescent as "You're grounded" alone is enough to humble a man and take him down several notches. Not to mention add further incentive to avoid punishment as to spare one's self of such embarrassment. Believe me.

    - Trent

  7. Trent- Yes, he gets grounded every so often. I do not require him to tell his friends why he is grounded. I leave it up to him to figure out what to say to his friends.

  8. This is a question to Mz Kaylee, Could you please tell us which chastity device (brand and model) do you currently require your husband to wear ?

    Thanks a lot

  9. He does not wear a chastity device.

    1. Not at all. It's just a path I have not chosen...yet. It may be in his future. I've toyed with the idea of locking him up on a short-term basis. Right now it is not something I want as a long-term or permanent solution. I like teasing him and making him walk around with erections :).

    2. Sometimes i wonder how guys wear it everyday, there are many security gates and metal detectors everywhere now, malls, companys, big supermarkets, stations ... etc


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