Thursday, December 30, 2021

The New Year's Post

It seems to be a tradition for me to write a New Year's post as a reminder to include your Wife Led Marriage (WLM)/ Female Led Relationship (FLR) in your 2022 goal planning and 2022 resolutions. This is the time of year that many people look forward to the coming year and think about what will they do better and how will they improve as a person. CNN recently shared the top resolutions for 2022. Drum roll please......
  • Exercise more
  • Eat healthier
  • Be a better person
  • Save more money
  • Spend more time with family
  • Get a new job
  • Quit smoking

Nothing surprising here, is there? These are the typical ones you hear year-after-year. Wouldn't it be great if people thought about resolutions for their marriage?  It's not something I ever thought of until I transitioned to a WLM. One of the fascinating things for me about WLM, is that I am constantly assessing and re-assessing how things are working and looking for ways to make the WLM better (i.e. what can hubby do more of to make my life better :). Maybe not everyone does this, and if you don't, well I highly recommend that you do.

With a new year starting, there is no better time to take a step back and assess how the WLM is going, and then look forward and think about how you want your WLM to be in the next year. If your WLM went off the tracks and fell to the wayside, the New Year is a great excuse to bring it back to the forefront and try it again or revive it. Maybe you  are not in a WLM, but you have been thinking about giving it a try. Now is the time to dive in! And if your WLM is humming along good, there's always room to try new things to keep the marriage exciting and fun. I enjoy trying new things throughout the year or changing up some of the rules and routines. It is fun and it helps keep Thomas motivated to serve me.

For the dominant wife, think about:
  • What can I do better to motivate him to obey me and be my ideal submissive husband?
  • What can I have him do to make my life better? 
    • Added chores, activities, and/or responsibilities
    • Better attitude; more listening.
    • Being more proactive in serving you
    • More pampering
  • How can I be more dominant and strict with my husband?
  • How can I add more structure to the WLM in a way that caters to his submissive desires while making my life easier?
  • What new rituals or routines can I add to increase his devotion to me and improve his performance?
When thinking about these questions and what you want, also think about specific actions you can do to make your resolutions and goals happen. Then set specific goals of how you will improve your WLM and dominance over your husband, and the steps you will take to achieve these goals. It's important to be specific and to identify the steps to achieve your goals. This will increase the probability that you will follow-through on your goals. For example, suppose your overall goal is to be more strict with your husband. If you set that goal and did not think about anything else, you are not likely to achieve the goal because it's very general and you've not identified the action items you need to do to be more strict. A better way to write the goal is: 

I will be more strict with my husband by doing the following:
  • Telling him what to do and not asking
  • Making a weekly list of tasks for him to complete 
  • Providing him feedback immediately when I am not satisfied with his performance
  • Disciplining or punishing him when he slacks off or disobeys.
  • Holding him to high expectations.
The above goal is specific and contains action items and therefore, sets a clear path for you to achieve the goal, as well as measure how well you are progressing to achieving it. It also important to write your goals down. Those who write their goals down are more likely to achieve them. Writing out your goals also provides a mechanism for you to review your goals regularly so that you stay on target. On a monthly basis, read through your goals to refresh what your plan is and refocus as needed. Finally make sure your goals are achievable. Don't try to do too much at once, or you'll stress yourself out. Think about spreading things out over the year.  I like to break the year up into quarters (every 3 months). If you want to keep it simple set goals for the first half of the year and goals for the second half of the year. Here's an example of quarterly goals:  Q1 (Jan-Mar): Become more strict, Q2 (Apr - Jun): Train him to do the laundry, Q3 (Jul - Sep): By September, he will be able to go 1 month without orgasm, Q4 (Oct - Dec): He will bathe me at least once a week. 

Don't get too worked up if you get off track or if something does not work out the way you planned. It's ok to be flexible and adjust goals if your situation changes. The key is to regularly review your goals and get back on track if you've gone off the rails a bit. Believe me, my WLM has gone off the rails several times in the past. The way I got back on track was to reset and re-establish rules and routines with Thomas. Usually I started with a punishment or tough discipline session with Thomas because that always gets him to refocus. Something I learned over the years is that the sooner you react to issues or challenges, the easier it is to recover and that it is never to late to get back on track. For example, In the goal above, I listed 5 action items. Suppose you started off the year and only did one action item. Don't let that discourage you. That is still progress. Doing one thing is better than doing none. Instead of giving up or beating yourself up over not doing the other four items, keep moving forward with the goal and try to do more.

It is rewarding when you set goals and achieve them, and for the WLM, it has a very positive impact on you and your marriage. Every year, I feel like my WLM progresses to a new and exciting level and that my husband and I grow closer together. When I look back over the years, I am amazed and how far I have come as a dominant wife and how much our marriage has changed for the better. It does not happen by itself. It takes commitment and planning, especially in the early years, but the payoff is well worth it.

Happy New Year!

-Mz Kaylee


  1. "Every year, I feel like my WLM progresses to a new and exciting level and that my husband and I grow closer together. When I look back over the years, I am amazed and how far I have come as a dominant wife and how much our marriage has changed for the better. It does not happen by itself. It takes commitment and planning, especially in the early years, but the payoff is well worth it."

    This is true for us as well - 10 years ago, I could have scarcely imagined where my 'tantric' dreams wouid lead. I wish every WLM/FLR couple much joy and adventure in 2022. Husbands, be more generous than ever, on your route to your unique pleasures. Wives, be bold and strict in the new year!


    1. I am so happy to hear things are progressing well for your wife and you CK. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Happy New Year to you and Thomas, Mz Kaylee.
    My submissive Resolutions:
    1) Increase cherishing behaviors.
    2) Increase joyful responses to instructions and commands.
    3) Ask for permission before doing more things to reinforce Her authority.
    4) Express gratitude for Denial.


    1. Excellent! I hope you report back on some of the things you've done to accomplish these goals.

  3. One of the handful of remaining challenges in my marriage is "morning vs evening" enthusiasm. Usually by the end of the day I'm all worn out and so is my wife, and we mostly just sit in separate rooms and read. I think she'd really prefer to be with me, and has said that she misses the old days when I'd provide more foot service (hot water, massage, exfoliation, pedicures) in the evening as she listens to audio books or does puzzles.

    In fairness, this has gotten much harder since the kids started staying up until all hours of the night and unexpectedly walking in on whatever we're doing downstairs. But I suppose she'd probably let me keep my clothes on if I asked nicely!

  4. Yes, kids can be a challenge. We always locked the door and kept a robe for my husband nearby.

  5. Mz. Kaylee,
    The main resolutions for my husband are below. I've already told him and judging by his reaction he's actually excited.
    1. I will be stricter with his use of free time. I don't mind him relaxing from time to time, but I'm reevaluating his time out with the boys.
    2. More formality with rituals. We have sessions for discipline and punishment when necessary. I want Phil to better prepare for them in dress and appearance. One kinky preparation; Phil decided to shave his head a few years ago after normal baldness took its toll. He sometimes relaxes on the shaving due to working at home. Some relaxing is fine, but I want his head smooth for sessions. Besides, he looks so much sexier and younger without straggle hair and fuzz.
    3. I will expect him to ask permission to do many more things he did without my approval.
    4. I'm significantly winding down the frequency of his orgasms. He can blame himself because more frequent orgasms did not do his submissive disposition any good. Besides, he likes being denied. I will still allow occasional orgasms, and he will enjoy two "honeymoon periods" of freedom a couple of times a year.

    You asked about chastity. When he suggested it I was surprised. I didn't know a thing about devices for men. Phil did the research. Cheaper devices were useless. He now wears the Jailbird, but not continually. Websites that sell devices normally give instructions on the proper measurements. I've also directed him to purchase a cage called The Vise. It is fully adjustable I'm told.

    Have a great New Year,

  6. These are my resolutions at this time.
    1. Dress feminine at home at all times.
    2. Become more proactive at learning, and giving my wife ideas to exert
    control over me. Lifelong learning has always been a priority for
    3. Search out different, and effective punishments for her to consider.
    4. Check your blog daily for new postings, and comment consistently.

    1. Thank you Edward. These are all ultimately focused only on your submission. I would suggest replacing one or two these with resolutions that are focused on making her life better.


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