I’m hoping wives and submissive husbands will share how their FLR is maintained when the
two of you are around others or out in public and you don’t want to offend or upset anyone.
I know when home we’re disciplined in many ways and reminded of our status, but in
public, how is it done?
I’ll share some of our ways and hope you’ll share some of yours. Simple things like always
opening any door for her, including the car coming and going, always replying “yes, ma’am,”
or “no, ma’am” when spoken to, and not speaking unless spoken to (with the rare exception
when we’re grocery shopping together and I may see a good deal or remember an item we
forgot to put on our list and may point it out), and the like.
Also, as with many in FLRs, we know that though our penis is attached to me, it belongs to
her… even when it’s just a hose. Fittingly, I’m required to ask permission to use a rest room
when out and about. Permission is usually immediately given, but can be denied or delayed.
I can only recall once when I didn’t ask permission and just told her I was going to the rest
room while we were at Target. She immediately stopped me and reminded me I had to ask
permission, which I quickly did while also apologizing. “Not yet,” is all she said.
She told me to go to the adult diaper section and buy a small package in my size. With some
trepidation, I did as I was told. Once we were back in the car, she put a diaper in a cloth bag
and told me to go back to the men’s room at Target and put it on, placing the panties I was
wearing in the bag and then come back. With a red face, I obeyed. Finally, as she was
driving us home, she asked if I still needed to use the rest room. I had been needing to pee
for quite a while and told her “yes, please” and she said I could go ahead and do it there. I
then did as I was told and she suddenly “remembered” something we’d forgotten at Target.
Stopping at the grocery store, she told me to go in and get it, which I did, feeling the wet
diaper and hoping no one could tell I was wearing it. I was finally allowed to remove my
diaper and clean myself up about two or three hours after we go home, having had to fill it
one more time.
I’ve never forgotten to ask permission again as I know each car’s trunk has a diaper.
In the summer, we like to have another couple or two over for happy hour in our lovely back
yard now and again. The daughter of a bar keeper, she likes to mix the drinks. A day or two
before company comes, I am often required to masturbate into a glass (of course, she
supervises). She adds about an equal amount of water and freezes the contents in a special
ice cube tray. When making the drinks, my glass has my special “cum cubes” while everyone
else has regular rocks. As they melt in the whisky, I can see my semen as I slowly enjoy my
drink, knowing I’m pleasing her by being submissive.
I hope others can share their thoughts and methods. Thanks so much.
Robert, a submissive husband